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COM Interface Configuration

Register Pathway COM Interface

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe /codebase "C:\Program Files\mapdojo\Lane\Com\Lane.Com.dll"

Test Pathway COM Interface

wscript "C:\Code\mapdojo\Lane\Lane\Lane.Com\TestPathwayCom.js"
var pathwayComGis1;
var pathwayComGis2;
var pathwayComGis3;
var result;

// Create an instance of the COM object
try {
pathwayComGis1 = new ActiveXObject("Pathway.COMGIS1");
} catch (e) {
WScript.Echo("Failed to create COM object: " + e.message);

// Call the Ping method
result = pathwayComGis1.Ping();

// Output the result
WScript.Echo("Ping method returned: " + result);

// Call the Display method
result = pathwayComGis1.Display("PROP", "1001,1002,1003");

// Clean up
pathwayComGis1 = null;